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Thanks for your interest in becoming a Compu-Mail, LLC contributor.

We’re always looking for fresh ideas to empower our direct mail community to do their best work. Below, you'll find the criteria for crafting insightful articles for our platform.

What are the Reasons to Consider Writing for the Compu-Mail, LLC Blog?

Our Blog is a trusted resource for direct mail marketers and printing services providers. Share your knowledge and experience with the direct mail marketing community!

Here are compelling reasons to contribute to our blog:

Content Guidelines

To maintain relevance for our audience, focus your content on direct mail marketing, Commercial printing, promotional products, transactional mail, data security, and printing topics.

Compu-Mail reserves the right to modify your material by including calls-to-action to Compu-Mail content including but not limited to eBooks and other downloadable content.  

Technical Requirements

Types of Articles We Accept

Both savvy experts and direct mail newbies read the Compu-Mail Blog. This means that our audience is interested in various articles: from simple to the most complex. Here are some types of articles we accept:

What We Won’t Accept

To maintain the quality and uniqueness of our content, we refrain from publishing:

Ready to Pitch?

Follow these steps to submit your guest post ideas:

Ready to contribute to the Compu-Mail Blog?

Please reach out to our Marketing team at